Welcome to
The Essential Jesus
blog. I will be posting things of interest along the way as TOGETHER we journey through the life of Christ! All in hopes of sharpening our focus on Jesus so that we might run with endurance the race set before us (Hebrews 12:1-3)!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

An Unpopular Message!

Week 14, Day 3 Reading: John 14:1-14

John 14:5-6
 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

When Jesus revealed to his disciples in the upper room that he was soon "going away," this troubled them greatly. After all, they had given up everything and had followed him for close to three years. To even think of life without the Master was too much to bear. So Jesus in John 14 brings comfort to them. He tells them he is going away for their benefit, for while gone he will prepare a place for them in his Father's house (think "heaven.") However, as was so often the case, the disciples could not quite grasp his meaning. And so Thomas voices a question that I am sure most if not all of them were thinking. "How can we know the way?" 

In answer to this question, Jesus gives one of his hallmark answers: concise yet full of truth! He says "I am the way (to God), the truth (about God, life and reality) and the life (eternal, abundant life - life as God the Creator intended it to be lived!)." Then he adds that his way is indeed the ONLY way! 

Now, this is not a message that resonates in our ever inclusive culture. People don't like to be told that there is only one way to heaven (or one way for anything, for that matter) ...let alone that Jesus Christ is the only way! But no matter how unpopular this message is ... and no matter how many people scoff at its veracity, this does not change the reality that it is indeed TRUE! And we, as Christ's ambassadors must proclaim this message! 

May God give you (and me) the boldness we need to share this message with those who so desperately need to hear it! 

Thanks for stopping by . . .

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